- The BitTorrent Protocol Daemon
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 1.a What is btpd?
- 1.b The programs
- 1.c The btcli commands
- 2. Using btpd
- 2.a Introduction
- 2.b Starting btpd
- 2.c Examples
- 2.d Troubleshooting
- 3 Building
- 3.a Requirements
- 3.b Standard build
- 4 Upgrade notes
- 4.a btpd 0.12
- 1. Introduction
- 1.a What is btpd?
- btpd is a bittorrent client consisting of a daemon and client commands,
- which can be used to read and/or manipulate the daemon state. The daemon
- is capable of running several torrents simultaneously and only uses one
- tcp port. It's fairly low on resource usage and should be perfect for
- file distribution sites. Efficient downloads and ease of use makes this
- client a good choice for the casual user as well.
- 1.b The programs
- btpd consists of the following programs:
- * btpd - The bittorrent client.
- * btcli - Command line interface to btpd.
- * btinfo - Shows information from a torrent file.
- All programs accept the "--help" option.
- 1.c The btcli commands
- The btcli utility has several different modes of operation. One of the
- following commands must be specified when running btcli:
- * add - Add torrents to btpd.
- * del - Remove torrents from btpd.
- * kill - Shut down btpd.
- * list - List torrents.
- * start - Activate torrents.
- * stat - Display stats for active torrents.
- * stop - Deactivate torrents.
- 2. Using btpd
- 2.a Introduction
- To start sharing a torrent with btpd, the torrent needs to be added to
- btpd. This is done with 'btcli add'. When you add a torrent btpd auto-
- matically (if you didn't specify otherwise) starts to share the torrent
- and download any missing data. The content directory you specify when
- adding a torrent doesn't need to exist; it will be created by btpd.
- You can see which torrents have been added to btpd with 'btcli list'.
- The list command also displays a number for each added torrent. This number
- can be used to specify the target torrent for the btcli commands, so you
- don't have to keep the torrent file once you've added it.
- The up- and download progress can be followed by using the 'btcli stat'
- command. Both the list and stat commands use the following indicators to
- display the state of a torrent:
- + the torrent is starting. This Can take time if btpd needs to test
- the content of this torrent or one started before it.
- - the torrent is being stopped. Can take time if the tracker is
- unresponsive.
- I the torrent is inactive.
- S btpd is seeding the torrent.
- L btpd is leeching the torrent.
- You can stop an active torrent with 'btcli stop' and, of course,
- start an inactive torrent by using 'btcli start'.
- The 'btcli del' command should only be used when you're totally finished
- with sharing a torrent. The command will remove the torrent and its
- associated data from btpd. It's an escpecially bad idea to remove a not
- fully downloaded torrent and then adding it again, since btpd has lost
- information on the not fully downloaded pieces and will need to download
- the data again.
- To shut down btpd use 'btcli kill'. Don't forget to read the help for each
- of btcli's commands.
- 2.b Starting btpd
- NOTE: You should only need one instance of btpd regardless of how many
- torrents you want to share.
- To start btpd with default settings you only need to run it. However,
- there are many useful options you may want to use. To see a full list
- run 'btpd --help'. If you didn't specify otherwise, btpd starts with
- the same set of active torrents as it had the last time it was shut down.
- btdp will store information and write its log in $HOME/.btpd. Therefore
- it needs to be able to write there during its execution. You can specify
- another directory via the '-d' option or the $BTPD_HOME variable.
- I recommend specifiying the maximum number of uploads. bittorrent employs a
- tit for tat algorithm, so uploading at good rates allows for downloading.
- Try to find a balance between uploads/outgoing bandwidth and the number of
- active torrents.
- 2.c Examples
- Start btpd with all options set to their default values.
- # btpd
- Start btpd and make it listen on port 12345, limit outgoing bandwidth to
- 200kB/s, limit the number of peers to 40 and not start any torrents that
- were active the last time btpd was shut down.
- # btpd -p 12345 --bw-out 200 --max-peers 40 --empty-start
- Display a list btpd's torrents and their number, size, status, etc.
- # btcli list
- Same as above, but only for torrent 12 and my.little.torrent.
- # btcli list 12 my.little.torrent
- Same as above but only for active torrents.
- # btcli list -a
- Add foo.torrent, with content dir foo.torrent.d, and start it.
- # btcli add -d foo.torrent.d foo.torrent
- Same as above without starting it.
- # btcli add --no-start -d foo.torrent.d foo.torrent
- Start bar.torrent and torrent number 7.
- # btcli start bar.torrent 7
- Stop torrent number 7.
- # btcli stop 7
- Stop all active torrents.
- # btcli stop -a
- Remove bar.torrent and it's associated information from btpd.
- # btcli del bar.torrent
- Display a summary of up/download stats for the active torrents.
- # btcli stat
- Display the summary once every five seconds.
- # btcli stat -w 5
- Same as above, but also display individual stats for each active torrent.
- # btcli stat -w 5 -i
- Shut down btpd.
- # btcli kill
- 2.d Troubleshooting
- If btpd has shut down for some unknown reason, check the logfile for
- possible clues.
- 3. Building
- 3.a Requirements
- You should have a *BSD, Linux or sufficiently similar system with pthread
- support.
- Make sure you have recent versions of the following software:
- * curl - Get at <URL:http://curl.haxx.se/>
- * openssl - Get at <URL:http://www.openssl.org/>
- * libevent - Get at <URL:http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/>
- You also need a c99 compiler. A non antique GCC should do.
- 3.b Standard build
- # ./configure
- # make
- # make install
- See './configure --help' for available build options if the above fails.
- 4. Upgrade notes
- 4.a btpd 0.12
- The layout of the torrents directory in the btpd directory has changed
- since previous versions. Please remove it before running the new version.