My mirror of the Barnard terminal client for Mumble.
25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.

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  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "strings"
  5. "time"
  6. ""
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. )
  10. const (
  11. uiViewLogo = "logo"
  12. uiViewTop = "top"
  13. uiViewStatus = "status"
  14. uiViewInput = "input"
  15. uiViewInputStatus = "inputstatus"
  16. uiViewOutput = "output"
  17. uiViewTree = "tree"
  18. )
  19. func esc(str string) string {
  20. return sanitize.HTML(str)
  21. }
  22. func (b *Barnard) UpdateInputStatus(status string) {
  23. b.UiInputStatus.Text = status
  24. b.UiTree.Rebuild()
  25. b.Ui.Refresh()
  26. }
  27. func (b *Barnard) AddOutputLine(line string) {
  28. now := time.Now()
  29. b.UiOutput.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("[%02d:%02d:%02d] %s", now.Hour(), now.Minute(), now.Second(), line))
  30. }
  31. func (b *Barnard) AddOutputMessage(sender *gumble.User, message string) {
  32. if sender == nil {
  33. b.AddOutputLine(message)
  34. } else {
  35. b.AddOutputLine(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", sender.Name, strings.TrimSpace(esc(message))))
  36. }
  37. }
  38. func (b *Barnard) OnVoiceToggle(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  39. if b.UiStatus.Text == " Tx " {
  40. b.UiStatus.Text = " Idle "
  41. b.UiStatus.Fg = uiterm.ColorBlack
  42. b.UiStatus.Bg = uiterm.ColorWhite
  43. b.Stream.StopSource()
  44. } else {
  45. b.UiStatus.Fg = uiterm.ColorWhite | uiterm.AttrBold
  46. b.UiStatus.Bg = uiterm.ColorRed
  47. b.UiStatus.Text = " Tx "
  48. b.Stream.StartSource()
  49. }
  50. ui.Refresh()
  51. }
  52. func (b *Barnard) OnQuitPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  53. b.Client.Disconnect()
  54. b.Ui.Close()
  55. }
  56. func (b *Barnard) OnClearPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  57. b.UiOutput.Clear()
  58. }
  59. func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputUp(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  60. b.UiOutput.ScrollUp()
  61. }
  62. func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputDown(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  63. b.UiOutput.ScrollDown()
  64. }
  65. func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputTop(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  66. b.UiOutput.ScrollTop()
  67. }
  68. func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputBottom(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  69. b.UiOutput.ScrollBottom()
  70. }
  71. func (b *Barnard) OnFocusPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) {
  72. active := b.Ui.Active()
  73. if active == uiViewInput {
  74. b.Ui.SetActive(uiViewTree)
  75. } else if active == uiViewTree {
  76. b.Ui.SetActive(uiViewInput)
  77. }
  78. }
  79. func (b *Barnard) OnTextInput(ui *uiterm.Ui, textbox *uiterm.Textbox, text string) {
  80. if text == "" {
  81. return
  82. }
  83. if b.Client != nil && b.Client.Self != nil {
  84. b.Client.Self.Channel.Send(text, false)
  85. b.AddOutputMessage(b.Client.Self, text)
  86. }
  87. }
  88. func (b *Barnard) OnUiInitialize(ui *uiterm.Ui) {
  89. ui.Add(uiViewLogo, &uiterm.Label{
  90. Text: " barnard ",
  91. Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite | uiterm.AttrBold,
  92. Bg: uiterm.ColorMagenta,
  93. })
  94. ui.Add(uiViewTop, &uiterm.Label{
  95. Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  96. Bg: uiterm.ColorBlue,
  97. })
  98. b.UiStatus = uiterm.Label{
  99. Text: " Idle ",
  100. Fg: uiterm.ColorBlack,
  101. Bg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  102. }
  103. ui.Add(uiViewStatus, &b.UiStatus)
  104. b.UiInput = uiterm.Textbox{
  105. Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  106. Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack,
  107. Input: b.OnTextInput,
  108. }
  109. ui.Add(uiViewInput, &b.UiInput)
  110. b.UiInputStatus = uiterm.Label{
  111. Fg: uiterm.ColorBlack,
  112. Bg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  113. }
  114. ui.Add(uiViewInputStatus, &b.UiInputStatus)
  115. b.UiOutput = uiterm.Textview{
  116. Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  117. Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack,
  118. }
  119. ui.Add(uiViewOutput, &b.UiOutput)
  120. b.UiTree = uiterm.Tree{
  121. Generator: b.TreeItem,
  122. Listener: b.TreeItemSelect,
  123. Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite,
  124. Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack,
  125. }
  126. ui.Add(uiViewTree, &b.UiTree)
  127. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnFocusPress, uiterm.KeyTab)
  128. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnVoiceToggle, uiterm.KeyF1)
  129. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnQuitPress, uiterm.KeyF10)
  130. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnClearPress, uiterm.KeyCtrlL)
  131. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputUp, uiterm.KeyPgup)
  132. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputDown, uiterm.KeyPgdn)
  133. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputTop, uiterm.KeyHome)
  134. b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputBottom, uiterm.KeyEnd)
  135. b.start()
  136. }
  137. func (b *Barnard) OnUiResize(ui *uiterm.Ui, width, height int) {
  138. ui.SetBounds(uiViewLogo, 0, 0, 9, 1)
  139. ui.SetBounds(uiViewTop, 9, 0, width-6, 1)
  140. ui.SetBounds(uiViewStatus, width-6, 0, width, 1)
  141. ui.SetBounds(uiViewInput, 0, height-1, width, height)
  142. ui.SetBounds(uiViewInputStatus, 0, height-2, width, height-1)
  143. ui.SetBounds(uiViewOutput, 0, 1, width-20, height-2)
  144. ui.SetBounds(uiViewTree, width-20, 1, width, height-2)
  145. }