Frontend assessment source code
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Immanuel Onyeka 1c5ff95087 Correct comments 2 年前
public Correct comments 2 年前
src Correct comments 2 年前
.babelrc init aircall boilerplate 3 年前
.gitignore init aircall boilerplate 3 年前 Add animations 2 年前
package-lock.json package-lock changed 2 年前
package.json init aircall boilerplate 3 年前
webpack.config.js init aircall boilerplate 3 年前
yarn.lock Attempt Feed with mock stack 3 年前


  • The app is deployed to
  • I updated react and other packages because 16.7 was being used, and hooks are now the simplified method of managing state in react.


  • Show dates on calls?
  • Add date seperators to calls
  • Sort calls by descending dates
  • Add missed and voicemail icons to represent status
  • Give call entries shine and box shadow. Maybe color them by type
  • Add entry transition animation
  • Add favicon
  • Seperator could be added by putting li renderer in a seperate function from Feed


The goal of this test is to make you code a small ReactJS app. We have prepared a skeleton app for you, but please change whatever you want (CSS files, HTML structure, JS structure, etc).

The app will have two different components:

  • Activity Feed - simple list of calls
  • Activity Detail - detail of a call
  • Archive - the final user should be able to archive (and unarchive) a call. Archived calls will no longer be displayed on the Activity Feed and should have a separate Archived Tab.

Show us what you can do in 24 hours. You will be assessed on the following parameters:

  • Focus on design (Pay attention to the UI/UX and transitions)
  • Best React Practices
  • Code Readability and Maintainability


After you’re done with the assignment, please submit a link to the GitHub/Bitbucket repository (make sure it’s public) with your code AND a deployment link where our recruiters can interact with the live version. You can use freely available tools like Netlify, Vercel, Heroku, etc to deploy your React application.

You should email both the links to our recruiters with the subject line Full Stack Developer Assessment - [Your Name]

Note: Submissions without a valid repository and deployment link will be removed from any further consideration.

To give you an idea, here’s what our app looks like:



We’re using yarn here (but you can use npm):

yarn install
yarn start

API documentation


Here is the API address:

As you can see, it’s hosted on a free Heroku server, which means that the first time you will fetch the API, it will take few seconds to answer.

  is_archived: true

Call object

  • id - unique ID of call
  • created_at - creation date
  • direction - inbound or outbound call
  • from - caller’s number
  • to - callee’s number
  • via - Aircall number used for the call
  • duration - duration of a call (in seconds)
  • is_archived - call is archived or not
  • call_type - can be a missed, answered or voicemail call.